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Ghost Box report #1 (As written on my blog)

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Ghost Box report #1 (As written on my blog) Empty Ghost Box report #1 (As written on my blog)

Post  Anna_($$¥¢¢€$$!!!)_(star) Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:30 am

I lit the candles on the Altar. I got comfortable, and said a prayer of intention. I called upon Papa, The Ancestors, The Lwa, The father, Son, And Holy Spirit, Arch Angel St. Michael, and all the Angels to Protect us and witness the session. I forbade attendance by any negative entities and asked that only positive beings attend.

I asked for a swear word so that I knew the Box was operating properly. Some one actually said; "Swearword"! (lol! What a sense of humor!) I asked for a gate keeper. I asked for the gate keeper to name themselves and heard Paul. I thanked Paul and asked him to control the flow of communications. I asked for Bob and someone named Bob answered. I asked for his last name. I got "Hendricks" (SP?). I asked if I had heard correctly and then got "Hayes". I got some foul language and name calling and told them it wasn't necessary. I asked for the Soldier who had followed me home from the cemetery. He answered and I asked what he wanted to do. I gave him his three choices:

Go back to the Cemetery

Go into the light

Or be adopted by me as an ancestor and join my other ancestors at the Altar.

He said he wanted to stay, and be free to come and go. I said that I was fine with it but he had to follow some rules. I wanted him to stay at the Altar with the other ancestors. He said "Corporal" and "Korea". I called upon my brother Garland. He said; "I Tried" I told him that I know that he did and that I love him. I called for Grandma but I couldn't make out anything from her. I will try again. I got quite a bit of fragments. I'm not sure in relation to what. I heard Good night, cuss word, bitch, shit head, later?, Paul, heaven, and a mention of "The Other Lady". I asked who the other Lady was and they didn't answer. Was it Jenny? I didn't mention her name.

I told the spirits that I was going to shut down the box and that they had to go. I got Later? Good night, some cussing and again?

I said a prayer of Peace and rest and asked that God watch over them until next time. I asked that the spirits be peaceful.

I extinguished the candles and sprayed florida water in the room. I turned out the lights in Sanctuary and thanked Papa for his help.

All in all it seemed positive. I'm looking forward to the next session. Very Happy Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-06-13

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